Monday, March 23rd
1. PRACTICE the Spelling Vocabulary Unit 4: carve, filter, float, freeze, glacier, lake, saltwater, sea, soak, swamp, waterfall, wet, freshwater, sea level.
- Click on the following link: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/
- Type the word and listen to the pronunciation, repeat as many times as you need.
- Record your voice: At the beginning of the recording say your name; then, say the word and spell it. Do the same using all of the words, this will be your quiz. Send it to me next Wednesday 25th.
Wednesday, March 25th
- Watch the 2 videos and practice the words as many times as you need.
- Write the list of words on your notebook.
- Look for the definition of each word in the dictionary as we usually do in class and write it. (using the colors: red, green, blue and pencil)
- Finally, choose 5 of the words and illustrate them.
- organism:(noun)A living thing, often a very small one.
- cell:
- microscope:
- centimeter:
- millimeter:
- human:
- male:
- habitat:
- common:
- grab:
- thin:
- horrible:
- creature:
- crawl:
- female:
Tuesday, March 26th
- Open the platform of myngconnect and choose Unit 5 (Tundra) Vocabulary 1.
- Read the students book pages 74, 75.
- answer the Workbbook p 54, 55.
Monday, March 30th
Review unit 5
1. Play the two games in the following links and write your two scores in the journal; then
2. Choose 5 spelling words and write 5 sentences in the journal.
Game 1: ____
Read a word
Game 2: ____
Hang Mouse
Tuesday, March 31st
Thursday, April 2nd
1. Practice the spelling words unit 5 in the link
https://www.spellingcity.com/taking-a-spelling-test.html?listId=67848271 and write your score in your notebook.
Game score: _____
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