Resultado de imagen para READING

Monday. March 23rd 

1. DO the vocabulary of unit 5 "It´s a small world" on the reading notebook. (check the picture below)

2. Read the assigned book in the scholastic platform: "Tuki and Moka". 

  • Answer the quiz.
  • Write the book report  and your score. Use the format below.
  • Send a picture of your book report on Friday, March 27th.

                                                           BOOK REPORT

Tuesday, March 24th
1. Watch the following video and practice the pronunciation of the words.

2. I sent an e-mail to your parents with an audio. Listen to the audio carefully and write on your notebook the sentences you hear. The title is: Listening Sentences. Don't forget the date. : )

Friday, March 27th

1. Practice the reading words in the platform myngconnect Unit-5 (Tundra Vocabulary 2): tiny, pointed, adult, furry, strange, spotted.

2. Then, answer the Student Book p.80, ex.9.

3. Student book, exercise 10: take your stickers of Unit 5(last pages of your book), read the following descriptions and paste the stickers in the corresponding number on page 80.

      This animal is          This animal is         This animal is          This animal          These animals
       strange and             spotted and is        brown, big and            is soft and            have pointed
       it lives in the          color black and         adult.                           furry.                       beaks.
              sea.                       white.
                                            ⇓                            ⇓                                      

FRIDAY, MARCH 20Tth, 20201.Read the text "Water Cycle Wonders" Workbook p. 50 and answer ex. 23 and p.51 ex. 24.

TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, 2020
Reading notebook: 1. Draw and write the names of landforms

2. Student book p. 66, 67 (reading)

3. Workbook p. 47 (reading)

4. Workbook p. 49 (grammar: present perfect continous)

Tuesday, March 31st

1. Read the assigned book "Hellen Keller", do the quiz, write your report and send it to me next Friday, March 3rd. Follow the format I sent you last week on Monday.

2. Copy the following information and the t-chart in your notebook.

Thursday, April 2nd

1. Read the student book p.82 and answer p.83 ex.14 & 15. 

2. Watch the story: The River Dragons.

3. Then, copy and answer the following exercise.

Friday, April 3rd

1. Read the workbook p.62 ex.22 and answer the p.63 ex.24, 25, 26.


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