WEEK: April 20th- April 24th

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Hello students, here are the activities for today!

Monday, April 20th
1. Study and learn the following verbs.
2. On the grammar notebook, write a sentence using past tense for each verb (7 in all). The title will be: "Simple Past Tense"
Use the expressions: 
Last week/ year/ month
The day before
The previous day

Tuesday, April 21st

1. Watch the following video as many times as you need; look at the examples of genes and alleles and DRAW a similar example on a sheet. Click here ALLELES & GENES
2. Copy the vocabulary on a sheet and study the definitions. Remember to keep all your worksheets together.

 1. Trait: A specific characteristic that is different from one individual to another
2. Chromosome : A chromosome is a long, single, coiled piece of DNA
3. Gene : A segment of DNA that codes for a specific trait.
4. Allele : Genes of the same type that contain different kinds of information. Alleles can be dominant or recessive
5. Dominant : The stronger of two expressed genes
6. Recessive : The weaker of two expressed genes. 
7. Punnet Square: A method of determining the probabilities of which traits the offspring of two organisms will inherit.

Wednesday, April 22nd

Hello kids! Today's activities: Grammar & Science

1. Play and practice Grammar 1 (5 Tundra) in the platform Myngconnect.
2. Copy or print the following activity. What do you think they are saying? Write in the speech bubbles. Use your imagination!

Wednesday April 22nd

1. Watch the following video Dominant and recessive alleles

Thursday, April 23rd: Science & Grammar


1. Science Book: Read p. 40. Answer ex.10.
2. According to what you read on p.40 answer the following exercise on a sheet.



 Having two different alleles.                                                                  HOMOZYGOUS

 When one allele is not completely dominant.                                        CODOMINANCE

When a gene has two or more dominant alleles                                     INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE

It refers to our genetic constitution.                                                        PHENOTYPE

Physical expression of a trait.                                                                  GENOTYPE

Having two identical alleles.                                                                   HETEROZYGOUS

Thursday, April 23rd:
1. Write on your notebook the first part of the topic: 

Affirmative Form
We use reported speech to tell what someone said.


REPORTED SPEECH  She said she liked to read books.

Friday, April 24th:
 Grammar & Science 


➤Report the following sentences. Write them on your notebook.  
  1. Emilio: "I buy a new house"
  2. Mary: "I am a good student."
  3. Thomas: "I have a lot of homework."
  4. Sam: "I can play the violin."
  5. Joana: "I feel sad today."
  6. Rose: "I need two markers."
  7. Teacher: "I have a headache."
  8. Pablo: "I listen to classical music."
  9. Mom: "I like to bake cookies."

➤Copy the verbs on your notebook and study them.


➤Answer page 41 of the Science Book. (Punnett square). I give you the letters to complete the punnett square.



➤Practice as many times as you need the following exercise on line. Then use that information to answer page 42.
click here to practice 

Nice weekend!
I miss you all !!


  1. teacher when i have finish to watch the video we have do draw somethin or write something

  2. Replies
    1. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. I like chicken nuggets yey🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔


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